Shooting Sessions
@ Providence Day's practice field
Open to all boys in K (with prior experience)-8th grade
Weeknights starting in July!
Shoot with local college and high school standouts like Alex Jessey (Dartmouth) and Will Thompson (Ohio Wesleyan) and more..
Shooting is all about repetition to gain muscle memory
Shooters can expect:
High repetition shooting drills
Helmets and gloves only required
Correct shooting mechanics instruction
Stations to target different types of shooting:
TAR- "Time and Room"
SOTR- Shooting On The Run
Finishing Moves
Ball in hand dodge to shoot drills
OFF Hand Shooting!
Player fed shooting drills to practice passing
Buckets of good lacrosse balls
Expert Training techniques:
Different Targets to shoot at including real goalies
Plus many more instructional tips such as jump shooting, hitching, shot fakes, etc.
$25 per session
*please pay on the day of the session and include your son's name in the memo!
Let Coach Schmidt know if you plan on coming out today!